A Year in the Life of Summer Moon

Wow! So, here I am. One year after I published my first blog post, and I am still here. It’s hard to believe that it’s already been one year, but oh what a good one it has been in regards to blogging. Consistency has been a struggle, but I’m still here and writing. I thank God for blessing me with this experience.

As I’ve stated before in the past, I never thought that my blog would ever reach beyond my own eyes. I had told some family and friends in whom I have extreme trust, but didn’t know if they’d even be reading, let alone a year later. Yet, here it is, March 5, 2013 and my blog has reached more eyes than I ever expected.

Initially, I created this blog as a way to hopefully better adjust to – and accept – my illness. I knew that a mental health community existed, as I had read blogs prior to starting my own. However, I didn’t realize that the community was so connected, let alone that I would one day be accepted into their great company. That’s what happened, though. I went from feeling so alone with my illness to having people to commune with from around the world who understand the struggles of mental illness.

I don’t think I can say it enough how grateful I am to all of my fellow bloggers, readers and followers. You, along with my family and friends who read my blog, help to keep me going with it, by making me feel as if I truly have something to offer. In the beginning, I had hoped that maybe… just maybe… that my blog could someday help others in some way. So, to hear from people sometimes that a post has touched them on some level is just an amazing feeling. It helps me to realize that I was lead to do this for more than just myself. The comments I receive have always been welcomed and appreciated, and they have helped me to learn so much about many of you. I thank those of you too who have opened up for me in various comments and shared your personal experiences. And, to those of you who may quietly read/follow my blog and not comment, please know that I greatly appreciate you too. I thank each and every person who visits and reads my blog. I thank you for valuing it enough to spend time out of your lives to read it.

Well, I guess it’s time to start walking. Would you like to walk with me?

In my first post, on March 5, 2012, I asked that question. Well, many people in this awesome community of writers and readers answered that question. I thank you for walking with me this last year, and I look forward to the journey continuing.

God Bless!



6 thoughts on “A Year in the Life of Summer Moon

  1. Congratulations on reaching one year!! That’s a great achievement, particularly for those of us with mental health disorders. I’ve loved reading your blog over the last year. So thank you for sharing- we all help each other feel less alone xxx

  2. You are the very first person that has helped me not feel so alone! Happy Anniversary and thank you for what you do and allowing me to be a part if it!!

    • Wow! Thank you so much, Tammy. I appreciate that so much!!! I am happy that I have been able to help you in such a way. Thank you for sharing that with me and for joining me on this journey. I am happy to have you here. 🙂

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